Monday, September 28, 2015

WEEK 5: Personalized & Authentic Learning

 Celebrate Success! 

Helping students find their way:

 Pursue High Standards! 
 Authentic Learning at Valley (click the name to see details):  

CAMERON GALE and GREG HUDSON20 International Journalists visited American Heritage and AP World classrooms.  Students learned about a variety of world cultures.

GARRETT HAWKINS -Incorporating "Gradual Release and Responsibility" to empower students in their learning.  He is also collaborating with DALE ERIKSON on a differentiated reading lesson.

 Find a Way-  Exhaust Your Resources

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 4: Goals in Authenticity

 Celebrate Success! 

Students at work:

 Pursue High Standards! 
 Authentic Learning at Valley (click the name to see details):  

Authentic investigation activity gets Journalism students moving!

KRISTEN FRIEDRICHS uses SMART goals and goal reflection in her classes.

 Find a Way-  Exhaust Your Resources

  1. Keeping Teachers in Mind.  This article explores how coaches can support teachers and explains the importance of a relationship between coaches and teachers to promote Growth Mindset.
  2. Keeping Students in Mind. This article emphasizes the importance of the relationships teachers build with students.  
  3. Managing Larger Class Size: "If you've found yourself with larger class sizes, or you're a new teacher still grasping the often overwhelming experience of one..."

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week 3: "Get Busy Living"

 Celebrate Success! 

Getting in Stride with Growing Our Minds:

 Pursue High Standards! 
 GOAL SETTING at Valley (click the name to see details):  

DAVID MAXWELL looks to improve educational equity and increase student school involvement.

HEATHER HOPE's goals drove media center changes and look to increase online presence.

 Find a Way-  Exhaust Your Resources
This week, a psychological focus:
  1. Teachers Nurture Growth Mindset in Math: read how teachers use "open tasks" and "normalized failure" to get students to integrate math concepts. Related: Dr. Carol Dweck shows and explains the research behind the Growth Mindset approach.
  2. Growth Mindset on Pinterest: great resources presented visually for your perusal.
Tyler Sash's death and the perception of self. A personal "must read."

Friday, September 4, 2015

Goals in Action

 Celebrate Success! 

The "Grit" of Excellence:

 Pursue High Standards! 
 GOAL SETTING at Valley (click the name to see details):  

ERICA WHITTLE, new associate principal, aims to build relationships an know names.

KARL GOLDSMITH & SARAH KNOKE use pre/post-test data to adjust class pace & instruction in Chemistry.

PIET VAN DER MEER, Spanish teacher, uses formative observation and interaction to drive oral exam proficiency.

 Find a Way-  Exhaust Your Resources
Here are some great places for ideas, utility, and support materials:
  1. "An easy way to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences"
  2. Achieve the Core on Pinterest: "Find, steal, and share free Common Core tools. For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders. Assembled by Student Achievement Partners."
  3. Beyond Parent-Teacher Conferences: Building Connections That Lasttips for communicating with parents during conferences and beyond
  4. New Teacher Survival Guide: Parent Teacher Conferences (video)