Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Affect and Effect

I am fortunate to observe many wonderful teachers and their lessons through this position. Sometimes, the best lessons are what happens in the moment, the unexpected reaction of what students say, write, or do. Inevitably in humanities courses, the theme of “Man’s Inhumanity to Man” emerges, which has varying effects within kids: callused, empathetic, confused, and quiet-reserved, quiet-reflective, quiet-shut down, verbal-reactionary, verbal-interrogative, verbal-sarcastic/caustic; predictably unpredictable.

Last week I watched a teacher perform a close reading of a Vietnam era text. Man’s Inhumanity to Man was a central premise. I couldn't help but notice that most of the class was indifferent about the person-to-person cruelty, but when it came to a soldier’s cruelty to an animal, the room went flat silent. Clearly, this was upsetting to several kids. The obvious psychological questions: Why? Why do people fairly well accept malice among people but reject it between humans and animals? Do we expect one but not the other?

10 images to share at your next faculty meeting (Justin Tarte)
It made me appreciate the reception I get from my little dog when I come home (dancing, smiling, pawing; the devotion of an animal is wonderful),  but it also made me step back and recognize the many positive experiences I’m afforded by the many people in my life: family, colleagues, kids, coaches; seemingly infinite in number and affect. I've been fortunately surrounded by good people all my life. Of course there’s a mother’s influence, but teachers along the way have made long-term impacts. With both Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 10) and Teacher Appreciation Day (Tuesday, May 5) coming soon, it seems appropriate to show some love to the mommas and the teachers. Their influence (affect) and resulting impacts and change upon me (effect) are not forgotten. Here are a few thoughts to consider for those that affect us and for ourselves and the good we can do:

mothers day lesson plans.gif

  1. For your consideration:
      • & what he's done with it: Sustainability Workshop

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