Friday, September 26, 2014

Racing and Reflecting

There are markers in our lives that force some pause and reflection. I had one recently in the passing of my father-in-law. Over the past week, there were many instances shared about his interests, interactions, and impact. We all slowed down and measured our lives and the lives of those close to us against his. It is peculiar that the slowing down is what moves us forward. We were no longer caught up in the race of life (rat race, to some), compelled to the finish line; we appreciated the laps involved.

There is a reflective piece airing on IPTV today at 3:00 pm and Wednesday, 3:00 pm called "Race to Nowhere," which examines and questions current trends in education (trailer linked below). I'm interested to see how our efforts compare with the ideals presented. I'm sure it won't be a perfect match by any means, but I look forward to the perspective. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you're willing to share.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation on the program. I look forward to seeing it. I read recently that over two hundred colleges are now using a standardized test called the "Collegiate Learning Assessment" to measure undergraduate student learning. So K12 is not alone in this.

    1. Joanna Farrell passed this along; also intriguing:

      Thanks for the tip on the CLA-- I will check that out!
