Research Says...
Parenting and environment play a great role in a student's educational development.from attitude to homework. Below are two pieces that address what works and what should be encouraged beyond our classrooms.
1. Parents of Successful Kids Have These 7 Things in Common
"...when you praise your kids,
don't congratulate them for being so smart,
commend them for working so hard."
- High Expectations
- Higher Socioeconomic Status
- Higher Education Levels
- Provide Early Academic Skills
- Offer Sensitive Caregiving
- Avoid Junk Time with Kids
- Teach a Growth Mindset
2. Homework vs. No Homework is the Wrong Question
"What do we believe should happen after
the end of the school day to help ensure
that students retain what they have
learned and are primed to learn more?"
the end of the school day to help ensure
that students retain what they have
learned and are primed to learn more?"
"Aspects of good parenting that could be encouraged by schools include workshops, family nights, and discussion series on ways to promote:
"Research into texting between teachers and students
shows that it can drive engagement and deliver results."
- Experimental Text group: increased quiz, paper, and exam scores
- Students claim spending more time on task due to "convenience of the information," "interaction with instructors," and "connection to the subject"
Classroom Practice Ideas
1. Helping Students Motivate Themselves
- Autonomy: choice in organization, procedure, and learning
- Competence: "build and improve on ideas without using judgmental language"
- Relatedness: interest in kids, friendliness, flexibility, "growth mindset"
- Relevance: "encourage students to generate their own connections and discover for themselves the relevance of course material to their lives"
2. Using Humor in the Classroom
"...humor reduces stress and tension
in the classroom, improves
in the classroom, improves
retention of information, and
promotes creative understanding."
promotes creative understanding."
- laugh at yourself
- add humorous items to tests, or tasks
- keep quotable quotes
- cartoon files-- start the class with humor
- captionless cartoons- have kids fill in the blanks
3. Brain Breaks & Focused Attention
"When we take a brain break, it refreshes
our thinking and helps us discover another
solution to a problem or see a situation
through a different lens."
our thinking and helps us discover another
solution to a problem or see a situation
through a different lens."
- Breathing, Movement, Sound
- The Junk Bag, Opposite Sides, Symbolic Alphabet, Other Language, Mental Math, Invisible Pictures, Rock-Paper-Acisoors
4. 10 Smart Tools for Digital Exit Slips
tickets are a simple, quick and oftentimes insightful formative assessment
employed close
to the end of a lesson."
Plicker |
Google Forms
*Shannon Johnson has experimented with this simple,
low-tech idea. Contact her for more information.
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