Monday, March 30, 2015

Strokes for Old Dogs & a Few New Tricks

Merriam-Webster defines BELIEF as "a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true." For those educators who have gone more than a few laps around the track, the belief that "you can't teach old dogs new tricks" or the idea that connection and effectiveness with kids declines over the years has been well implied. As it turns out, this may not be the case. A Brown University study shows TEACHER EXPERIENCE IMPROVES JOB PERFORMANCE, including improved test scores (reading and math) and attendance.
National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research
GRATUITOUS SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT PLUG: the study also connects "with a small but growing body of research suggesting that high-quality coaching and professional development can improve teacher effectiveness." I guess it makes sense to pass along a few ideas, then, eh?

1. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IDEA:        "The Learning Walk"

"Collaborative Learning Builds Deeper Understanding"

"The Science and Practice of Creativity"

* "Creativity isn't about music and art; it is an attitude to life, one that everybody needs" 
(qtd. in Diane Cardiergue's article, above).


"The function of a rubric is to make information that is 
valuable to student success approachable and digestible...should achieve simplicity
... present only relevant information... The less visual noise a page contains, 
the clearer the information becomes and the easier it is to retain. 
Remember, less is always more!”
-Cait Camarata

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